Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Post coital slug

Can't be can it. Slugs are Hermaphrodites. Yet they circle each other releasing sperm which impregnates the eggs carried by each slug; four weeks later the eggs, which are laid under stones and twigs, hatch.

This one could not be roused from it's slumber. - What you cannot see is the other slug making off with a self satisfied grin on it's face, must be from Newquay.

Quick update on the Cornish mission to Mars. The mission was proceeding as planned when one of the by now incontinent members decided he needed fresh air. Disaster. He had heard the calm voice say "Doors to Manual," so though, "Roight, oil 'ave sum av that!" A sad but fitting end to a great effort.

Full details from Mission Control here.

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