Morning dew
I forgot to lock the back gate last night, so this morning the first thing I did was pop down to lock it. These rather soggy dandelions were looking great in the dawn light. So I popped off a few pics and then raced off to work.
It was a busy day, but it was good to get home.
Cousteau update: He didn't need to have his tooth removed; it wasn't broken after all. He has had a lump removed, which will be biopsied and we should hear back next week. He's groggy, but he ate his dinner and hopefully will feel a bit brighter by the morning.
We're off to Albury tomorrow; Cousteau is going to stay with his grandparents for the weekend.
Night all.
- 9
- 1
- Canon EOS 7D Mark II
- 1/500
- f/10.0
- 300mm
- 1000
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