Fantasy novels.

Over the years I have read a good many fantasy novels. I am familiar with the Elfstones of Silverdale and the Hobbits who live on Arnside Knott. I know how to avoid the village Gollum and how to search for smiles from the village princesses.
All of this fires the imagination and so when I go on a quest (for a magic blip of course which will capture the princesses hearts) I find things which readers of other forms of fiction might miss.
Thus for example as I searched in the woods this morning this giant bird ( a Roc I think) came storming down the hillside. My instinct was to flee but being a blipper I just had to get one shot before running as fast as my little old legs could manage.
So here is the lower leg and foot of the Fantastic Beast and you know where to find it.

Someone told me that blipping is often a case of making something out of nothing.

Sent from my iPad Air

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