A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Passing down

The card school continues with increased intensity as J has developed a touch of swimmer's ear and so is having a couple of dry days. Cue a sad face until he realised we could spend the time playing military rummy (a big card game in our family). Today was our second full game and I'm proud* to say I have passed on the fine skills and he beat me. Though it shall be recorded for ever that it was only by 3 points but a win's a win. Good job boy.

Early start to the day to see off our visitors. Always a bit sad (and much quieter) when folks leave. As we were up anyway we distracted ourselves with a trip to the hypermarket where we were remarkably constrained and confined our random purchasing to badminton rackets and a volleyball. Though unless we make a habit of getting up early or install floodlights I'm not sure when we'll be playing in this heat. Maybe next time.

We have a couple of days until our next friends arrive so it's more changeover weekend than day. So lots of washing and tidying and cleaning but also time for a big swim and an aborted trip up the mountain to visit Carl's spot - a plot of land that has been for sale for more than 5 years and yet he still has a special fondness for. A few years ago he agreed that we would never buy it but he likes to go and visit every year. I don't know whether I'd be happy to find it had been sold or sad for Carl as I think it would then count as stalking. Or worried it will never sell and will eventually be so cheap I'll be persuaded it's a good idea and forget all the reasons why it's not. Anyway, we still don't know as the car made a terrible noise as we lurched over a steep hill and when Carl checked underneath something was leaking. Decided not to risk getting stranded up a mountain so aborted the trip. Fortunately the power of Google revealed it was only the aircon so the car will live to make another mountain trip.

And now to evening, not very Spanish but we've given the BBQ chef the night off and sent him for Chinese takeout which we'll be scoffing in front of Despicable Me later.

Lesley x

* gutted

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