
By DevonDumpling


Something went wrong with my closed down, wouldn't charge and I thought that was it. Pete has connected it to the main computer, gone through all the factory settings and updated it. I'm not very good at 'fault finding' iPads. Remembering last March when I lost all my photos etc...I thought it had happened again. But just five minutes ago the photos in my Album have all reappeared. Phew!
My Blip for today was taken on our walk on Sunday... but I wanted to record it . Four damselflies flew across me and settled on the fence post. I think they may have been in the Brambles. They sunbathed for about ten we were able to have a good look at them.
Really atrocious weather this morning..we watched it from the Yoga studio window. Such contrasts day by day at the moment.

Ps. A Blipper has identified these as Dragonflies..I appreciate being corrected.

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