Next Day?

They're taking the piste.

The first light dusting of snow here last night but it had gone by sun up. 'Why up so early?' you ask. Well I had a 6:15 start yesterday and today to get across Edinburgh to get work done on the vehicles. Yesterday the engineer had phoned in sick, wasted journey. Hey ho.

Mrs ForthPorts visiting mother, I was home alone. I don't usually set the alarm clock (not on my side of the bed). 'I'll just set the alarm on my phone I thought'. No probs.

This morning the alarm goes off and I jump out of bed, get my shit together (flower power generation me) and off I went.

'Traffic very light on the bypass' I thought. Where was everyone? A local holiday? I made great time. Arrived at the garage to find it in total darkness. Wait a minute, everything was in total darkness - yesterday I was driving into the glare of a rising sun. An hour and a half before the sun came up it dawned on me that I had not re-set my phone after the clocks went back last month.

Bugger. This afternoon I'll mainly be having a nap.

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