Car key

Today's the day ............................. to find a friend

This is by far and away the best thing I have seen today.

You see, ever since we returned home, I couldn't find my car key.  I looked in all the usual places where I might have put it.  I turned out my handbag and my rucksack several times.  I checked all my pockets.  I checked all Will's pockets.  I got him to look too.  I even phoned up the place we were staying to see if I had left it in a drawer there.  All to no avail.

Then today, when I was driving the car (using Will's key), I had to put my foot on the brake suddenly because there was a queue of standing traffic ahead.  That's when I heard the little tinkling noise.  And I knew immediately that it was the sound the silver heart - that's attached to my key - makes.  My key just had to be somewhere in the car.

And so it was - in a little-used pocket on the passenger side of the car.  My joy knew no bounds.  Life was back to normal .....................

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