A Bit Of Burr

Nearly there with the oiling.
The finish will be a matt rather than gloss. When I took this I had just put on a coat of oil which is why it looks so shiny.
This side view shows how non-symmetrical the thing is and this shows how dark the underside and rough the underside is (I really should have taken one with it turned upside down.

At lunchtime we took the monsters to the garden center to meet one of my nieces and my ex sister-in-law who were down from Inverness.
My niece is looking great after losing half her weight.

Craft Fair at Harburn Village Hall near West Calder tomorrow (11am - 3pm) -- much smaller and more intimate ..... and catering by the W.I.  ....yummy, yummy, yummy.
If you are in the area it is well worth a visit.

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