The proper order....

... of things in Katie's world has been restored. B is home. And her very first appointment after a short day at work was afternoon tea with Katie. I shall return to that.

She's had a great day at school. They started the day with a joint y2/3 song rehearsal of the panto songs. They've had a dance rehearsal for the dancers. She's had school orchestra, Shoebox Assembly and "we've done no maths!" A good day by Katie's standards. She made me laugh this morning. We were talking about the forthcoming history day and I asked if she's looking forward to it. She said "I think it will be better for Gabby, she really likes history. I'm more for the arts...."

I picked her up from school today. She immediately asked me where balletbaby was. I told her we were going to get her soon. I packed her into the car and we headed home.... which happens to be heading to Bs. I hadn't told her B was back because I didn't want disappointment if the date had to be rearranged due to jetlag or anything.

I suggested to Katie that she post a panto leaflet through Bs door. And B answered it. My little girls face was wonderful. A moment of surprise and then a massive hug. She took her shoes off then couldn't help but go back for another. B told Katie she'd got treats for her. We went in the lounge and she'd put the wood burner on full & laid out afternoon tea of things she knew katie loves. Plus stollen bites which it turns out katie hates!

We went through some amazing photos of her trip. Katie kept running up to B to snuggle her some more, then running for a little play on the music room piano. Back for some more cuddles, a squish of the toy dog she loves and then some chats about Buddhism and the Second World War (with Katie) and Bangkok Bars & Lady Boys (without!). Whenever B goes away, she brings Katie a keyring. This time she couldn't help but bring her 3. She bought her a dancer, then a sparkly elephant and then she found a monkey! Katie was made up. It really was a lovely time.

We were scheduling her music lessons after tea. Katie wanted them tomorrow. She's just about tolerating waiting until 8am Monday morning! As I said, order is restored in Katie's world.

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