
Look at this girl!  She is looking too old.  I'm so amazed lately at how old she is looking.  I mean.....WOW!  I don't know if it is the braces....or the beginnings of acne...but I see TEEN when I look at her lately.  I do not like it.  I want my baby back.....let's start over and do it allll again.  I would...I really, really would.  

Thursday was good.  Busy at work....trying to catch up on office work.  Feeling like it is the longest week ever.  

Picked up Sugar at the end of the school day.  Ran to the library and then to her first Orthodontist appointment since getting her braces.  She is doing a GREAT job brushing...and her teeth have moved so fast...lining right up.  She got a spacer band placed, and in two weeks she'll go in for a metal band to be placed around that molar. Her appointment as fast and easy.  

We made those special Icelandic cookies again, as she has an end of term little party in her handwork class tomorrow.  She also studied for a spelling test...and thought about studying for her Algebra test...but decided she already knew it all.  So....we'll see how that goes.  

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