Portobello Road

I had another trip to London today to finally meet a very special lady who I've been 'friends' with since August last year.  Ellie who is a friend of a friend, and used to be a Blipper, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and started chemo at the same time as me, so we linked up on Facebook and became chemo buddies.  We've supported each other through our ups and downs, and always said we'd meet up, but the year passed and we still didn't get the opportunity.

Sadly, Ellie has recently received the news that the chemo has stopped working. She's only 40 and has a 12 year old son, yet remains very positive and is determined to look for alternative therapies and is even prepared to consider clinical trials.  She's set up a Just Giving page to fund these alternative therapies, but also has a bucket list of things she wants to do. Earlier this week she was interviewed by her local newspaper and you can read the interview here if you're interested.

Anyway, we arranged to meet sooner than later, and have spent a lovely day at Portobello Road Market.  We've wandered with our cameras, had Indian street food for lunch, mulled wine on our way back and and then nibbles at Le Pain Quotidien in Nottinghill before heading home.  Next time we've said we'll go to Cambden Town.

I'm home now, in my onesie and its time for I'm a Celebrity. Apparently we're about to be hit by Storm Angus with gusts of at least 60 mph, so we've battened down the hatches!

Hope you're having a good weekend, I'll catch up with you tomorrow. 

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