
A real dog would have designs on this structure but us small stuffed ones have impeccable manners which is highly desirable when you are  attached to a pak on a back so to mini bark…

The Boss and I went to the seaside at the southern coast near Wellington on the “Southern Walkway” which involved 13.6 Km and 63 floors on his Iphone app including at one time being in the middle of a mountain bike trial and dodging them as they came at you faaast  AND eating a giant ice cream at Lyall Bay while waiting for a Bus bark to town.  He is now complaining about sore feet.
This structure was on top of a mountain (??) not sure of it’s name but it was topped with lots of antennas and this Trig thingie which surveyors used to use for reference points before  satellites came along and made them useful for tagging practise instead. There was some amazing tagging on a building but we will have to wait until the counter is reset to show you extras. (Not sure when that is)

The Boss was thinking about a movie but considered he had zero chance of staying awake so thought he would catch up on Blip instead.


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