Bear Necessities

Katie found a nice little teddy bear bracelet in a market in Edinburgh today. Here he is showing it off with her brothers on Princes Street. We were on a jacket hunt for Malcolm and then off to see Ice Age 4 at The Filmhouse's Wean's World.

Big Bear.

After a trip to Wagamamma for noodles we headed to The Royal Mile when things went a bit British - wrong that is. We decided to buy a comedy Nessie hat, but I had no cash so we went to the nearby autobank to find a 40-deep queue. We tried another autobank I remembered - to find the bank had shut and it was a Nando's. So we went further out to near Bristo Square and found another queue, maybe 20-deep. Why are there not more cash machines around the packed centre of Edinburgh during the Festival is sadly explicable and totally rubbish.

Well, we then decided to buy an icecream, to find that the Italian cafe we've bought lovely icecream in the past from had boarded up their icecream counter.

So we wandered down the Mile, were mildly entertained and made it home with seats on the packed train. All good from there with a late barbecue and off to bed tired and happy.

No icecream and no Nessie hat though.

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