Last night...... some unsocial hour we were awakened by a passing bobcat singing on his way to work !
Lewis (the dog) was desperate to go out and fight ,and going back to sleep wasn't an option sat in the darkness ;blipcamera at the ready!
All to no avail ,sadly :-O
And all  not helped by peoples blythe
 " Oh ,yeah ;a mountain lion was in my yard this morning "
"Oh ,yeah ,a bear was looking in the window, yesterday "
" Oh ,yeah; an Eagle owl was at the bird feeder all last week "

So what can I present to you ??

A frog !!

But wait.......this is a tree frog  !!
And though you can hear them crick/croaking away as you walk in the woods they are really  hard to see :-))
So there !!  :-D

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