Sunday stroll.
I was a very vague Blipper today. I grabbed a camera before we went out this afternoon. I put in an SD card and checked the battery. It was a bit low so decided to rake my other camera as well. We went to a walk around the lake to the ducks but realised I had forgotten the bridge camera. We walked further along then I took out the 4/3 camera but I hadn't put an SD card in this one. I took out the iPhone which died after 2 photos - hadn't charged it. Fortunately Hubby had had iPhone so I had to use his. It was not so cold today - the same temperature, 6 degrees, but the wind chill factor wasn't in play. You can see how calm the water in the lake is.
- 8
- 0
- Apple iPhone 5
- 1/40
- f/2.4
- 4mm
- 64
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