
By LeeAnne


This is Mali (and Joff?!). Could she be any happier?

She's the little one of friends of my brother and she couldn't be cuter if she tried! Oh how simple life is when all you have to worry about is where the next jelly is coming from and about how much fun you can have bouncing on the new rug with cushions for extra padding and then shouting 'it's not a trampoline!' and giggling. For having just met her for the first time today, she was happy to give me a hug complete with kissing noises. She beat all my other blips hands down!

Feeling much chirpier today, my nose is no longer dripping... I'm pretty sure you're delighted for me. I've not done much other than take random photos of bees which is right out of the camera and in broad daylight. There are days that I quite like it when I have no idea what I'm doing. It's not the sharpest photo in the world but bees move too fast for me!! I think this would have been my blip had Mali not brought some extra sunshine to my day. I did go home via Cramond and watched the sun go down over the rail bridge.

The other good news is that Emily raised just over 800 quid with her event today. Such determination and enthusiasm for her project shouldn't go without a mention. I think our friend Clare's blog says it better than I could. Very proud of her today for sure. x

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