Evening Sky

We had a wonderful day today at a friend's 40th birthday garden party. She's one of the Mums at school and I've always really liked her when we've met at parties and school events.
They live in an incredibly beautiful house and we spent all day - and a good part of the evening! - in their garden listening to wonderful live music, being waited on hand and foot by the caterers, chatting to lovely people and watching all the children having a ball.
I was so pleased to get the invitation - it's nice that we were invited as friends rather than because our children go to the same school!
Yesterday I was a complete organised Mum! I went to the school uniform shop and bought Miss E's new school dress, school rucksack, book bag and socks. And then, when I picked her up, we hot footed it over to Bicester Village and bought her school shoes.
From Clarks I hasten to add!!!
She's over the moon with them - diamante flowers and flashing heels, what's not to love?!!!
So I just need to get her ballet kit sorted and new trainers and we're good to go. I'm determined to be organised and not leave everything to the last minute like I usually do!
First day of the football season today. I'm a long suffering Watford fan and we won, woohoo!!!! Normally we let in goals right at the last minute and lose. Today we scored twice in the last few minutes and won!!!! What a great start!!
I love the first day of the season - so much hope and expectation....

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