Tel's Blips

By TerryS365

Steephill Cove

The last few days have been very enjoyable going to Cowes Week and showing off the Island to my sister and brother in law. I have had very little time to view and comment on blips but will endeavor to catch up later in the week.

Today we visited the South of the Island from Ventnor to Freshwater in very warm and humid weather helped by a fresh breeze and a surprising amount of sea fog.

My favorite part of the coast is Steephill Cove where this picture was taken. It is a small horse shoe shaped fishermans bay with no road access and is pure Enid Blyton with wooden huts,quaint houses and old fashioned coloured deck chairs. There are one or two tiny sea side cafes serving sublime crab literally straight from the sea brought in by the local fishermen.

Todays blip shows part of one of the fishermans huts. The day ended with tea and scones at Dimbola Lodge which was the home of the Victorian photography pioneer Julia Margaret Cameron.

As I write this I can hear the final music of the Cowes Week entertainment drifting across the River Medina accompanied by the sound of fog horns in the Solent.

I have added some sailing pictures to my Cowes Week Blipfoilo

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