Lali's World

By Lali


It's been really freezing recently and, in the mornings, everything is covered in a beautiful white frost.

Yesterday I forgot to take the camera with me, so I didn't take any photos. It was a freezing day off. We went to St Andrews and we wanted to go to an open mic session after we got back, but with one thing and another, by the time we were going to leave the flat we reckonned that both sessions that are now running on a Sunday would have been finished so we decided to leave it for next time.

Today it was freezing again. Luckily we have underfloor heating at work, so we kept warm inside. Work was rather quiet. I was feeling tired because I didn't have a very good sleep last night, so I'm hoping to have a better sleep this evening.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a nice day! :)

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