Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Another early start today. Cani Sport Edinburgh were having their annual race at Foxlake Adventures near Dunbar. I had volunteered J to do some marshalling. Very cold for her but good for the dogs to run. Completed the 5K in 29:33. Would have been quicker but Kilda needed a poo stop just after we started and she recognised J at her marshalling post. Took me ages to get her going as she never likes the pack being split up. Stopped off at the Belhaven smoke house for J to get some fish. Spent the afternoon making this year’s Christmas cake before heading up town to get a few things. The Christmas market started this weekend along with the lights. As a result there were loads of Carols being played while I was up town. Night of tidying up and getting ready for the week ahead.  Today also marks the day we went down to collect Kilda. Extras are photos from the trip back up. She has grown up fast and seems to be a contented dog.

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