A hypnotic encounter

Like a concave mirror luring you in. Bright and fresh, I headed off to the hills above Skibbereen, an unfound holy well nagging away at me. Several attempts had already been made to find this well and the path that was reputed to once run right by it had disappeared. I had to approach from a different direction ie through a farm.
Seán was minding his own business in a shed full of cattle. He looked askance when I explained what I was up to, then dropped everything and said he would show me. As we were walking up through pasture onto the hill his phone went. It was John and it was for me (how did that happen?)John had all the information which he took me through as we walked.
The well itself is actually four ballaun stones - manmade basins cut into natural rock. Two of the ballauns were colossal and full of water - this was the biggest looking and rather enticing. They are now classified as holy wells and are good for curing warts. John explained that the rock had also been used as a Mass Rock during Penal times. He reckoned it had been used over hundreds of years by different people and said if you believed something enough it would happen. He also revealed he was not only a farmer but also a hypnotherapist! Sean was quite amused by all this and said Kathleen from Dingle had once come visiting too. We then went off to look at the nearby ringfort - Sean hacking back bracken and lowering barbed wire so I could clamber over. We decided not to go right into the centre out of respect for the fairies, still pretty potent in these monuments, We waded back through slurry and Sean showed me where to wash my wellies.  What a delightful encounter.

Chips and arthouse tonight - Julieta , a bit of Almodovar - the plot keywords are nudity depression and pain. Gulp.

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