Sandwater Loch

There was a few showers this morning, but cleared to a fine sunny afternoon.  More breezy today, but calmed again this evening. 

I managed to get out first thing with Sammy, and a walk around Scalloway.  The showers gave me a chance to get started on the big house clean, and started with cleaning the kitchen cupboards.  After lunch, me and Sammy got out for more walkies, before picking up my niece Elise from school and dropping her off with her mam, sister Laura.  Popped by friends tonight, and then off to work in the pub again. 

Me and Sammy enjoyed our walkies today, even with the soaking grass.  We ended up at Sandwater and walked around the loch.  Even though it's been slightly warmer today, the loch remained mostly frozen.  This is the east shore of Sandwater Loch, with the Half Way House in the distance. 

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