Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

School Dance

A great night tonight - as usual - at the school dance.

All the kids dress formally, and the kilts and ball gowns are a sight to see. Everyone is on the floor from the first dance to the last, and the year groups mix really well.
This young 1st. year lad, Luke, had just won the elimination dance with his partner, a much taller 5th. year girl. She used her initiative for the last bit, where the boy had to take his partner over his shoulder and run the length of the hall. Luke was extremely happy to be hoisted onto the back of his glamorous partner!
By the way, my photos for the evening were pretty awful. I was playing in the band, which of course meant that my hands were busy most of the time. But when I did get a chance to grab the camera, I just couldn't get the settings right. This one just looked quite interesting when I downloaded it, and I left it as it was.

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