Changing of the Guard

We stopped at Acre for a coffee before Rick had to hit the road. OilMan took this picture just before we all climbed into our cars and drove off in different directions. It was a nice visit and we're hoping we persuaded him to bring his wife Meg up for New Years.

Oliver's, our market of choice was a madhouse, but not quite as much a madhouse as it will be tomorrow which is not only the day before Thanksgiving but senior discount day. OilMan and I went together and armed with a list we managed to divide and conquer and get through the store in a record forty minutes.

I had just enough time to sweep the dog hair out of the corners and change the sheets on the guest bed when Matt, Amy, Julia and Claire arrived. Matt and Julia have already gone to the store for some appetizers because Jim doesn't get home from work until seven and some wine because we forgot to put ours in the fridge.I think Julia was willing to go because she wanted to drive.

Peter and Will are arriving in separate cars and came armed with some cold wine and water. 

Ozzie is eating his dinner in the bedroom because Blake and Rudy walked over here with Dana and wouldn't necessarily allow him to eat in peace. When I went in to let him out I found him in his "can I please get up on the bed?" position. I have given up on the battle for the bedroom and the battle for the bed, but I'm holding my own (barely) when it comes to when he gets up on the bed. He has to be invited (see extra).

Ah, the holidays have begun, and I love the ebb and flow, seeing the cousins, the brothers and sisters, the sons and daughters together, even the trips to the store....

Forgive me if comments are few and far between for the next few days....

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