
By loisbiz

Just a Brewer's Blackbird

This is a rather common blackbird in our area. I like how the green grass and fall leaves were surround him.

Busy day....Meet granddaughter and she had a serious talk with me about money management. Personally, I egotistically think that if she would just let me manage her money she would be doing fine!!! But of course all I can do is answer her questions and make suggestions WHEN she asks. Then took the younger granddaughter out driving again for her second lesson; she did good. I even got her out on the freeway for a mile or two of freeway driving. Since it had been raining heavy earlier, I taught her what to do if she starts to hydroplane while driving.....of course, this was where there was no traffic around. She did great.....I just told her not to panic and she would be fine. We practiced doing right turns without hitting the curb and turning sharp enough to avoid the imaginary traffic coming the other way. Can you tell I am having fun with this???? She was most excited about actually going on the Freeway and going 55 MPH!!! for a few minutes.

Thanks for loving my eagle shot yesterday and taking it to page two of the Popular Page. I was very excited because I was excited about that shot too. See you tomorrow.

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