Nairn had it's Games Day yesterday in the blazing sun on the shores of the Moray Firth. The Games arena is in a naural amphitheatre so most of the visitors and spectators watch the whole event free of charge. Buckets go around for donations and the majority of people are very generous. Its a great day for meeting people and ex pat re unions.The fair ground 'Showies' have been on the links for 2 weeks now taking advantage of the holiday season. The bigger rides come in over the last 3 or 4 days. The place is just a buzz of activity and fun. We walked the dog back through the area this morning. The town is strangely quiet. That is the end of our season. Our children are back at school and in another couple of weeks the tourists will depart to get their children 'Back to School'. The showies pack up their huge 'Transformers' and travel to pastures new. Another year over.
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