Last year you may remember we had a fund raising night at Beyond Design in Rottingdean, for Breast Cancer Care - The Baldification of Elif when Elif had her head shaved to support me.  Anyway, after my final treatment last week, she suggested that we have a party to celebrate and invite everyone who supported the event last year.  She contacted the guys at Beyond Design, who don't normally open in the evenings but they were happy to open and got special licence for the evening.  We had a fantastic night with friends, music and dancing, not forgetting the popping of corks!  

One of Elif's friend's took my camera for the evening and took lots of photos, but this one was taken of me and Elif before everyone else arrived and is one of my favourites.  As you can see from the mannequin next to us, the cafe is full of a very eclectic range of decorations!

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