And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

The buzzing and the heat was intense! it was a lovely walk I do love Ravenscar its not the best shot of the day but I love heather and Ash was in his element. I have never herd so many bees before it was beautiful. We drive up to Ravenscar every other month or so but this time of year is the best, for me anyway. Had a difficult day with one thing and another but the walk was good and I have got a nice tea cooking so not all bad. we are having as follows.

starter veg Samosa with salad

main chicken tikka massala, fragrant boiled rice, bombay potatoes & nan bread all home made even the nan :)
dips, mint dip sweet onion chilli dip, mango dip

desert rhubarb and blackcurrant crumble with custard

the only thing I have not made is the custard im using a packet one! ah well this will be washed down with a nice cold larger and lime :P or 2.
Dave will be ready for his as he as been in the garden for a few hours.

love c x x x

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