High lights.

J decided late last night, we were going to Swansea this morning.  The ulterior motive was, the guy who owns the model shop in Porthcawl,also has a shop in Swansea. Anyway, we set off early, parked the car,  and J went one way, and I  went the other. I had my Christmas list from my g/daughter, which makes life a lot easier for me, and I managed to tick quite a few things off it. The shopping experience was  really good, and the young shop assistants were so helpful, which makes  such a difference. While I was in Boots, J phoned, and asked me if I was ready, I was nearly, so we met up, and went for a coffee. We went up to the balcony, which you can see in the top left of my blip.  We had both had enough shopping , so we headed home. I had a quick change, and went down the gym. I called in the library to take a DVD back, and saw in the quick choice section, a Peter May paperback I have been waiting for  ages for. I took it to the counter, and asked her to check my records, and she could see that the book was for me. She apologized profusely, but it was just as well I spotted it, as someone else would have borrowed it. 

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