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Shot on the Erasmus Bridge on my way to work.  Opted to enter Rotterdam from the south (Zuidplein) as I figured that the traffic through the city can't be as bad as the traffic on the A16 heading towards the Brienenoord.  I really wondered about this choice.  I took five other shots, two of which would have been okay.  However, I thought, I don't always find myself in a position on the Erasmus where I can shoot the Maas early in the morning, and certainly have never had the chance to stand long enough to shoot it and end up with something clear.  This is also a rather wide shot, so you can imagine how much time I had to position the cam near the window on the passenger side.

Very busy day today, but not all too heavy.  I'm not the one who is experiencing a bad load, actually.  It's my colleagues.  Most of those in the same room I'm in have full-time contracts as well and they're really swamped.  Of course, their choices, and so nothing to do with me, but I wish I could lighten their loads a bit, something I can't do because I don't teach either Spanish or Critical Thinking, and they don't teach English.  We do all teach Project Management, though.  I've also streamlined my style so that I am able to do a lot without burning out too fast.  Mind you, I do not intend to reveal my secrets.  Some things are best kept to myself.

Edit:  Forgot to mention that I was ill this afternoon.  A runny tummy and I think I know what I ate a few days ago that brought it on.  It started at school and lingered on the drive home.  Thankfully, it didn't 'erupt' till I was home!  I was okay afterwards, but I was quite wary of eating anything at all the rest of the day.  Hubby boiled a couple of eggs and served it with some rice, and I drank the rest of the fresh orange juice I bought at work.  He had his bridge evening and I went to bed early.

My head is one long 'To do' list, so I do not comment much.  I would like to thank you, though, for taking the time to visit.

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