A day of reflection

Early start to the day luckily they were happy enough to have gromit on the iPad.

Dropped munchie at school and after a quick pop in at home to get clean trousers for wom (he thought sliding down the bank in his bottom was a good idea) we headed to Malvern.

£40 later in Wilkos and £30 in Waitrose?!?!?!? Quick pop into balloon shop we were home.


Took wom to nursery
He sobbed at drop off saying he didn't want to go

I went to the funeral of my friends mum. Absolutely packed to the rafters.

Went to collect munchie, feeling somewhat overdressed, to find her in hysterics as they had a film on in after school club. She's terrified of animation I think (but gromit is ok?) I'm not sure but it's consistently something she doesn't like.

We all went to pick wom up. He was so excited to see his daddy x

Today's pictures are woms day
More shopping, showing man thing
Watching bing
Eating yummy lunch,

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