Maths, maths and more maths

I took a half day today (which I was grateful for after a crappy night being up with A) so that I could go to maths afternoon at P's school. I collected A from nursery and we made our way round.

We all enjoyed ourselves. P was very happy to have us both there and was showing off her classroom. We had a try at most of the activities on offer. Multiplication by x2 x5 and x10 and P was surprisingly very good at it. I had chance for a quick chat with her teacher and some of the other parents.

It was nice to be home early and I got some housework done which usually has to wait till the weekend so that's a bonus. Qwerty and P enjoyed lots of cuddles as I cooked tea.

Just as I was putting A to bed tonight he gave me a huge cuddle and said "you're my best friend!" God I love that boy to bits.

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