The day started off badly. ( but got better ) It was just after midnight and the internet went off.  Checked the wires, router etc.  No joy.  Phoned the helpline.  An automated voice was very " helpful " in telling me their hours were 7am till 11pm.  So I went to bed and set my alarm for 7am.

When I got up I checked to see if the internet was working --- and it WAS.  So I got online and sent the email I had wanted to send earlier.  And paid for an ebay item I had won.  And then I went back to bed for a couple of hours.

This afternoon I went to the pantomime at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle.  This year it was Cinderella.  I go the panto at the Theatre Royal every year and its always excellent.  This year was no exception.  They never have any big nanes.  The main characters are always played by the same actors.  Lots of local references and jokes. In the second half when The Fairy Godmother walked through the Enchanted Forest the audience wore 3D glasses. We saw lots of huge beasts, spiders and snakes zooming at us - scary stuff.  After the show was over the general consensus of opinion in the " ladies " was that parts of it was too smutty for young children.  There were lots of rude jokes and gestures but it was all in good fun and lighthearted and not meant to cause offence.  ( And children do like to snigger at dirty jokes don't they.)

After the panto I had arranged to meet fellow blipper Shygirl73.  She was waiting outside the theatre when I came out.  We nipped across the road to Costa Coffee and spent around an hour having a nice catch up.  We then walked up Northumberland Street and had a quick look in Fenwicks window as we passed by.  I will go back another day and have a longer look. Then we went our separate ways.

I did some shopping in M & S, Waitrose and Tesco before coming home.

Steps today - 9,030


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