Capital adventures

By marchmont


Minus 7 during the night and thick frost on the car. Luckily I was taking the bus.

But it was a beautiful day, blue skies and ice crystals sparkling in the sun. The day started with a meeting with an MSP at the Parliament where the ponds were frozen, as was the PC on guard outside. The extra is the roof of the building.

At the end of the meeting I went back round to see the Harry Benson America exhibition, fitting for Thanksgiving. Some amazing photos, including a very sleazy one of the President Elect and future FLOTUS. Over the road the Palace was busy with tourists and schoolkids.

Got a fair bit of work done in the afternoon and home late, but home no hospital visit. All is going well there.

Elsewhere panic is setting in. Far too much to do and not enough time to do it.

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