The Politics of Climbing Trees

As I was allowed into the inner sanctum of the 'special tree' to take photos...I knew I had to be quiet and pretend that I wasn't there and babysit Flea (the stuffed cat). I put my invisible powers to good use and quietly witnessed some rather interesting politics going on between the kids.

The boys wanted the girls to be the baddies but the girls were having none of it  'Anyway we are not boys ......we are girls and we don't have to be baddies'. The girls didn't last long ......the boys were boring.

Needless to say that Flynn was being a bit of a bully....and had to be at the top of the be fair though the other boys were rather nervous about being too high...and Flynn was happy to be at the top.

I had enough and Flea and I went back to sit on the grass.

Not much to report unless one has a weird fascination for packing boxes and  taking all the pictures off of the wall to wrap.
Jaiya and I did take ourselves out for a lovely late lunch though before picking up the boy from day care.

Oh yeah have i mentioned the beetroot ravioli in burnt butter fetta.......parmesan.... roasted walnuts and crispy is one of those things that transports me to heaven through my taste buds....then there is the new bakery a couple of doors up that have the best chocolate eclairs in the world.......I reckon its a good job we are moving especially as my midriff has expanded quite significantly since I broke my foot....which is still giving me plenty of jip.

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

- J.R.R Tolkien

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