Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Flower Friday

Keeping busy is a good way of getting through this sad time. I have been overwhelmed by people's kind thoughts and wishes, and these flowers were given to me by a friend so I thought I would share them for Flower Friday.

This morning a friend invited me to join her at the annual craft fair at Wisley RHS Gardens. Being a lovely sunny day I should have realised that every person in Surrey had the same intention - the traffic was snaking along the motorway before the turn off to the gardens, and then there was an extremely long queue for the car park, which was the additional car park about half a mile down the road as the main car park was already full. We had a coffee before facing the queue to get in to the craft fair, although it was not too bad by the time we joined it. There were many interesting stalls and I bought some small items for the boys for Christmas.

Gavin's plans have changed yet again and it seems the crew have decided to finish the race after dropping off the crew member who is ill. Gavin cannot join them as it will take too long due to this diversion to drop off the crew member, and he won't be back in time for my mother's memorial service or for important work commitments, so sadly for him he will be flying home next week while the others sail on. He said he felt he needed to be with me and he can do this race some other time. I was very touched by that.

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