Ancoats geese
On a calm sunny day, it was pleasant to walk around Ancoats and the Northern Quarter. There is always something new to see there. For example, I had not previously seen these two murals (or "muriels" as some call them.) The one on the right, of Manchester author Anthony Burgess, quotes him from A Clockwork Orange: "We can destroy what we have written, but we can not unwrite it." Make of that what you will. PS it has been pointed out to me that if what we have written is on the internet, we can't destroy it. But Burgess wasn't to know that, prescient though he was.
There was a large amount of development going on, including in Cotton Field, a new school and some apartments. The Manchester Superlative Walk goes through this area and now requires some amendments to take account of the work in progress.
I also took a shadow selfie with reeds.
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