Jet Trip Stage 2

After a late night last night at our company private guest house Frisholt where we enjoyed dinner, drinks and lots of fun (pool, table tennis, karaoke, Wii games, etc), we left for Karup airport after breakfast and flew down to Germany (Lübeck Airport).

We transferred to Wahlstedt to our production facility and toured the factory showing clients their products being manufactured.

We left at lunchtime and travelled back to Lübeck where we enjoyed a lovely lunch at Schiffergesellschaft which was a very old maritime restaurant steeped in tradition.

We had a lovely lunch before returning to the airport via a very excitable cab driver to take the jet back to Edinburgh airport via Aberdeen airport.

We had a great trip and the customers thoroughly enjoyed their first class experience.

Now I can relax, enjoy the weekend and do it all again on Monday....

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