Dot-to-Dot Sa Penya

Another day of Asha at home, she seems to be on the up....FINALLY!! She's definitely not right though as she had 2 naps today, and that's not happened since she was about 6 months old! This virus has knocked her sideways. We took her out for a change of scenery this afternoon...went to the English supermarket on the other side of the island...our aim was to buy christmas crackers for this year's Caña Club Christmas feast. I love love LOVED walking the aisles and seeing UK stuff! We'd not been since last Christmas. Even found Dettol (which I love), but it was 10,95€ for a small bottle! You don't go to that shop for a bargain...
Out tonight for a quick drink with Claire - delighted to bump into the wonderful José from Sa Penya - lovely to catch up with him and to see the guys from THE bar (Can Miq) that I've not seen for ages.
Then a quick trip up to the ramparts to take a couple of shots of Sa Penya & Ibiza town...the focussed version of this is in Flickr.
Now off to ply my hair with coconut oil, as you do...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha being on the mend.
2) Finding the equivalent of Gaviscon/Rennies...the pregnancy heartburn has been horrible!
3) Seeing José - he never fails to put a smile on my face. A privilege to know him & his family.

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