Family together

A lovely if exhausting day today.

R and I went down to Southampton to meet my parents and aunt & uncle before M&D head off on their Caribbean cruise for 3 weeks! They flew in last night and had the day in Southampton.

We met in John Lewis restaurant at the top of a huge shopping centre in Southampton, amazing view of Southampton water and he ships. I did question the wisdom of this on the crazy shopping day that is Black Friday. It was busy but we managed!

It was so nice to see we everyone again, we hugged and chatted, exchanged things we'd made for each other and had a bit of lunch.

R was surprised at first to see Grandma & Grandpa in person since they're normally on FaceTime and couldn't quite believe it but within a few minutes was happily cuddling them both.

All too soon we dropped them off for their hol and headed home. We didn't tell C where we'd been while he was at school as he would have been so sad to miss out :-( He has an exciting goody bag from Grandma though!

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