Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Reflections in Water Bowl

I know that these are becoming a bit of a reoccurring theme but they are the most simple, pure and beautiful flower. I did have to change the water before taking the shot as I had just groomed Coco beside the water bowl and there was a lot of floating hair! Pottered about the garden for most of the day and got really stuck into a couple of shrubs that were getting just a little out of control. There is something tremendously therapeutic about giving a bush a good prune - it's a bit like having a good tidy out in the house when you're in just the right frame of mind to throw lots of things out.

Yesterday's blip was a 'this morning blip' so forgot to mention that yesterday Josh played his first game for the football team he has joined - they play in a proper league so he was very excited. Lost 5-3 but they didn't embarrass themselves and seemed to have great fun so bring on the next game - no I'm not about to become a Soccer Mom, football is definitely D's job!

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