A photo a day by Hillyx

By hillyx

A new vocation?

It turns out that Tom is fantastic at working in the kitchen and is especially good at serving customers! He is having a fantastic time and has never worked so hard in his life! I am extremely proud of my 'baby'!!!!
I have never worked so hard in my life either! And still the two key people are conspicuous by their absence! I keep on catching one of them swanning around in his Traction Roadster taking people for rides! What a farce! I am getting quite cross now!

Two incredible bands on tonight..... Magic a kind of Queen who were phenomenal, although I didn't get to see them I could hear them from the office! The others were a family Rock 'n Roll band called The J B Goode band. I only saw the last 10 minutes when I went over to pay them and they were awesome! I shall look out for them!

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