Wandering Around Dalkeith Park

Pleach's blip of the 'meeting of the waters' (the confluence of the North and South Esks) reminded us how long it had been since our last visit so we took our walk there today. 

Not following a particular route (geographically challenged but unconcerned) from Dalkeith Park Restoration Yard and, crossing the Laundry Bridge, we headed northeast on tarmac road. At Smeaton we admired this old cedar tree and horse grazing in the sunshine (one of many in the surrounding fields) before turning left and across Smeaton Bridge, to return on the North side of the North Esk as far as the confluence. Our path from there followed the South Esk, through the oak woods, where we discovered an old ?fishpond (not identified on the maps), and back past the old laundry to our starting point.

I did collect a few fallen apples from the tree there, but only for the blackbirds.

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