Aida #2

It's a sad day because my friend, Aida, is heading back to France on Wednesday. She has assured me that she'll be back one day when she realises that she can't live without New Zealand. At 24, her life is waiting for her elsewhere and I wish her all the best on her return to cold France.

We met up today in town to take some photos of various parts of Christchurch and to catch up. We had a coffee and I spoke lots of French, which is always good.

Bye, bye Aida. Bon voyage, sois sage et surtout sois contente! Keep in touch. :)

I also had a 'Ladies' Christmas Lunch' at Paula's house. Lots of great company and fabulous food. We played Greedy Santa, which was fun too.

A busy and full day. Ready to have a glass of wine and something to eat now.

Also, this is my 490th blip. I can't believe I've stuck at this for so long and am dead chuffed. I'll have to start thinking about what to do for my 500th I guess. :)


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