british summer time my foot

Once again it's raining, why on earth do they call it British Summer Time (BST)

One day it's red hot the next it's raing, you can't make any plans, although as I type this I can see far out to the west the skies are brightening.

I went back to take a photo of this tree in homage to my blip this day last year. I think this years is better.

My rolling total toward my new camera is getting on. I really want to buy a Fuji Xpro 1 but it's so expensive, I want to go CSC and possibly even 4/3rds, I'm now considering all options. I've looked at Panasonic, I've heard though that they may be bringing out a high end micro 4/3rds camera, The Olympus OM-D and a Leica X2, perhaps I shouldn't look at so many, my brief is basically and interchange lens camera and a two or three prime lens (but not a DSLR I want to keep the size down), I shoot mostly landscape but want to get more into street photography.

Although you can't see it in the photo it was pouring with rain, compare this to yesterdays blip. Nuff said !!

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