Underneath The Arches
Union Terrace Gardens - or at least this part of it - hasn't always been the nicest to stroll along in recent years. However it was looking quite magical this evening, colourful graffiti transforming it into something quite eye-catching. Is this a recent thing? I think it must be as I'm sure I walked along here in the summer and I don't recall seeing it then. Or was it longer than that since I passed by?
On the street above, a stall at the Christmas Market had a map with "Painted Doors Abdn" on it and was selling cards with photos of some of the doors on them. Could this be Aberdeen's equivalent of Glasgow's Rogue-One murals? I hope so. I love this sort of thing and am definitely going to have to go in search of them now that I know they are there, although that will have to wait for another visit to the city. Are the archway artworks part of this project too? They don't seem to be on the map so perhaps not - but nevertheless it was good to see them here brightening up this area.
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