Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Before the rain came....

Oh what another dreary, drab wet day its been again today! I was fortunate however in having to be in Thirlmere first thing and then had 3 hours to kill before my next appointment. I had Bonnie with me and a 6 month old Springer. We walked along a path following the river and ended up at Low Bridge End Farm tea shop for a coffee and cake! The field just before the tea shop has a very large turkey in it which I would loved to have blipped but I had my hands full with the pulling Springer who was very interested in the turkey It was nice to sit outside and relax for a short while until the Springer got bored!! It started spitting with rain then so time to head back to the car.

Have clocked up lots of miles today as have also been to Maryport and Allonby on the coast and have just returned from Annan over the border. Its rained and rained virtually the whole time but has now cleared up just before it gets dark!!

Back to the photo.... blipped this en route to the tea room. I really like the area around Thirlmere which has lots of crags and conifers.

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