And When he passes in the hallway well....
Rooms 21, 22 and 23 were the business study rooms.
The typewriters were big and clunky and when we started, we started with the first few keys... A, S, A, A, S, A, A, S, A over and over and over. Fingers had to be over the home keys ; ASDF, and Semi-Colon, L, K, J.
Our hand had sheets of paper over the top of them, and if we dared peek, or let the paper "slip", we got a sharp rap on the knuckles with a ruler - and none of your plastic ruler nonsense - big heavy wooden rulers.
We all had to type at the same speed. So that we all "pinged" at the same time. Each routine got faster and faster, til we reached the heady heights of 30 wpm.
Eventually after a few months, we progressed to sentences, normally along the lines of "a quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog". or "the three did feed the deer".
After a year of this nonsense, we received our "Audio" headphones. Boak. I brought my own in. There's nothing quite so endearing to a headset when you can see someone else earwax dripping down the see-thru ear pieces.
I adored my typing classes. Mrs Henderson, with her ample bosum and crew neck M&S jumpers was my hero. I was going to be a teacher like her, except without the ruler slamming.
And I was, for a while. But I really don't like kids that much.
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