Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Worn out

I think I've worn them out!!

I decided to walk Chingar and Kanga out together today but as soon as Mollie saw the lead she was having none of being left behind.

We walked up to the local wood meeting a few people and a dog that came bounding over , Chingar couldn't see it and Kanga wanted to kill it, but Mollie put herself in front of Kanga as if to say back off.

Round two I decided to walk Roo around St Nicholas Park in Warwick and yes Mollie had to come too!!

It was good practice as we are trying to get her use to children and a little girl made a bee line for Roo, so I stopped for her to stroke him and mollie was curious which is ok.
Poor Mexi only manages a trip around the garden not easy when you have no sight.

So they are all having forty winks by the fire now.

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