I couldn't decide today...
Been a great Sunday.. Walking, taking photos, and...
I called to say hi to my parents and found out at my uncles memorial in Sacramento over 500 people showed up to pay their respects... They expect even more when he is finally laid to rest in his hometown. My sister (bless her heart) is taking our dad down to say goodbye.. She will be helped when they get the by my dad's younger brothers daughter.. The transportation, wheelchair, everything....
Yes he touched that many lives over the years with his dedication to the church, family and friends...
As for the collage..
A scrub jay with the prospective of how small they are..
A small bird coming in for a landing (my best shot yet of these very fast birds)
And an american kestrel.. I saw a very different bird on the lamppost and with three quick photos it was gone. This was cropped to the maximum. Not a great shot but it is the first time I have seen one in California.
Snow in the hills.. happy to be in the valley..
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